The game developer behind Pokémon Go is working on Harry Potter title
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 9 November 2017Niantic Labs, the developers behind Pokémon Go, have turned their attention to a Harry Potter game, with augmented reality also set to feature heavily. FULL STORY >

Pokémon Go adds new species called Ditto to get gamers interested again
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 24 November 2016With the frenzy surrounding Pokémon Go dying down in recent months, developer Niantic Labs has introduced a new species to breath life into the game - Ditto. FULL STORY >

Nintendo shares fall as company tells investors that it does not make Pokémon Go
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 26 July 2016Following a sharp rise since the Pokémon Go game was launched, Nintendo's shares have taken an equally quick fall, as investors are notified that Nintendo only owns 32% of the developer's company. FULL STORY >

Golden opportunity for players of augmented reality game
By Ryan Noik 16 January 2014A newly announced, innovative trilogy of books and accompanying augmented reality game is giving participants the chance to claim some real gold. FULL STORY >

Google launches augmented reality game Ingress
By Ryan Noik 16 November 2012Google has officially dipped its far-reaching hand into alternate reality games, launching Ingress. FULL STORY >
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